Sports Team Management Software – Briok



The purpose of this sports team management software is to allow teams to manage activities such as meetings, player evolution, contracts, insurance, stadiums, tickets, etc. It will also manage its website. It will facilitate the work of the coach to have the player statistics. Moreover it will facilitate the work of the team and their managers have a global view of the players in terms of contract, health and finance.

The software is not yet finished. We will be pleased if you could partner with us so that we may have the technical support to complete our software. If you do so, the license will be free for your club.

We have a demo available online. We will be pleased to receive your comments. If you are interested, please let us know.

Software Details :

The software proposes the:

  1. Internal Management Team

– Planning meetings, training and matches
– Follow up of the play’s capabilities (fitness, accuracy etc.)
– Following up the health of players
– Managing transfers
– Management of the team’s training centers
– Evaluation of players
– Travel Management
– Contract management of players and team
– Stadium management (if the team has one)
– Management of insurance for the players and for the team
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– Management of training centers
– Viewing statistics on players
– Managing stocks and HR

  1. Manage Training centers

– Manage students
– Manage teaching staff
– Manage courses, notes and exams.
– Manage recruiting sessions and player evolution.

  1. Manage the team’s web sites:

– Manage of players and other members of the club
– Management of fan groups
– Management the team’s Products
– Management of tickets for matches
– Management player transfer details to be accessed by the public

View demo, login : demo , pass: demo

You can support us financially if you wish by donating on our website.

Please contact us for more details.

4 comments on “Sports Team Management Software – Briok

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